I was unsure whether to seek gallery representation but I have found a gallery that suits me well near where I live.
art blog
Art Colour Inspiration
Abstracts in natureCommentI am sometimes asked what inspires my colour choices in my art. There is no formula to choices made during my creative process. I do however, find that nature is still the thing that inspires me the most. Sometimes I am inspired subconsciously and it is only later on that I realise that something I have seen has had more of an effect on my work than I had first thought. For example, a few months ago there was an unbelievable Norfolk sunset. It was one of the most beautiful I had ever seen. I tried to capture it on camera but it just didn't look as wondrous as in real life. I watched it until all the colour had drained from the sky. I didn't notice until I later looked back at things, that from that evening I have developed an obsession with pinks, salmons and oranges alongside blues and greys. It really has given me a new appreciation for the colour pink. Pink is a colour I had previously hated with a vengeance!
Abstract Art Colour Inspiration. Norfolk Sunset.